Pre-Storm Water Prep


If you live in Florida, you have probably seen the recent warnings about the budding tropical disturbance likely to hit our state this weekend or early next week. Let’s look at what you can do to help meet your water needs in the case of such an event.

Water is an essential element to survival and a necessary item in an emergency supplies kit. Following a disaster, clean drinking water may not be available. Your regular water source could be cut-off or compromised through contamination. Prepare yourself by building a supply of water that will meet your family’s needs during an emergency.


You should store at least one gallon of water per person for three days. A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of fluid daily, from water and other beverages. However, individual needs vary, depending on age, health, physical condition, activity, diet and climate.

To determine your water needs, consider the following:

  • One gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation. In very hot temperatures, water needs can double.
  • Children, nursing mothers and sick people may need more water.
  • A medical emergency might require additional water.
  • Keep at least a three-day supply of water per person.


It is recommended you purchase food grade water storage containers from surplus or camping supplies stores to use for water storage.

Before filling with water, thoroughly clean the containers with dishwashing soap and water and rinse completely so there is no residual soap.

If you use your own storage containers, choose two-liter plastic soft drink bottles – not plastic jugs or cardboard containers that have had milk or fruit juice in them. Milk protein and fruit sugars cannot be adequately removed from these containers and provide an environment for bacterial growth when water is stored in them. Cardboard containers also leak easily and are not designed for long-term storage of liquids.


Follow these steps for storing water in plastic soda bottles.

Thoroughly clean the bottles with dishwashing soap and water, and rinse completely so there is no residual soap.

Sanitize the bottles by adding a solution of 1 teaspoon of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to a quart of water. Mix the sanitizing solution in the bottle so that it touches all surfaces. After sanitizing the bottle, thoroughly rinse out the sanitizing solution with clean water.

If you are using tap water:

Fill the bottle to the top with regular tap water. If the tap water has been commercially treated from a water utility with chlorine, you do not need to add anything else to the water to keep it clean. If the water you are using comes from a well or water source that is not treated with chlorine, add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to the water. Let the water stand for 30 minutes before using. A slight chlorine odor should be noticeable in the water, if not, add another dose of bleach and allow the water to stand another 15 minutes.

Tightly close the container using the original cap. Be careful not to contaminate the cap by touching the inside of it with your finger. Store in cool, dark place.

If you use a Healthy Water system:

Fill the bottle with your Healthy Water Systems water. Tightly close the container using the original cap. Be careful not to contaminate the cap by touching the inside of it with your finger. Store in cool, dark place.

For more helpful information on managing water during a disaster, click here. For more preparedness tips, click here. To view the recommended items for a basis disaster supplies kit, click here.


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