Can “Just a Water Filter” Help with Bradenton Water?

Manatee County’s Healthy Water sells and installs a wide selection of thorough, customized, state-of-the-art water treatment systems that will work all kinds of miracles for your Bradenton water at every tap: disinfection and purification, water softening, conditioning, high-capacity systems, condominium installations, even no salt, no electric, no backwash water treatment systems for Bradenton homes.

And depending on the water you’re dealing with, and your needs as far as flavor, volume, appliances, etc., you may get the best results by addressing multiple issues.

But the truth is, a simple water filter alone can still do wonders for your home or business. Whether you’re not in a position to invest in a more elaborate water treatment system right now, you’re only looking for a short-term solution, or you just don’t feel like you need anything more, a professionally installed point-of-entry water filter is more than worth the relatively small investment. Here’s why.

What Does a Water Filter Do?

A water filter will trap “things” in your water of a certain size, allowing water molecules (alongside other smaller “things”) to pass through and into your pipes and eventually out of your taps.

What gets filtered out of your water depends on what was in it to begin with. In some cases, debris and sediment (dirt, sand, and even organic matter from plants and animals) needs to be filtered.

However, today’s water filters can remove more than just grit and debris. It just depends on what kind of filter you’re using…

What Kinds of Water Filters are There?

When we say “filter,” many people picture a porous, sieve-like material that can catch things that are too large to fit through its holes or the spaces in its netting. Something like a kitchen strainer or a cheese cloth.

And while this kind of straining action is an important first step for water filtration, today’s filters also harness the power of chemistry.

Most notably, reverse osmosis pre-filters, activated charcoal filters and oxidizing filters can each remove a variety of chemicals and minerals.

Reverse osmosis systems push water through a semi-permeable membrane (like a sieve with especially small “holes”) to remove sediment as well as chemicals like chlorine.
Charcoal filters (granulated activated carbon or activated carbon) are use specially porous carbon to absorb organic materials as well as chlorine and chloramides, plus some pesticides.
Oxidizing filters turn dissolved minerals/metals like iron, manganese, and sulfur into solid enough versions that they can then be filtered out of your water.

While each of these filters is very effective at their own individual specialty, they are often used in combination with one another in order to remove as much contamination as possible from your water.

What Kind of Maintenance do Bradenton Water Filters Need?

Normally, filters either have to be replaced (or, in some cases, cleaned) to remove from them whatever they’ve removed from your water. If a filter goes too long without replacement, it with either stop filtering anything out of your water (because its surface area is already holding as much as it can possibly hold) or totally restrict your water flow (because there’s so much stuff trapped in the filter that there’s much less room for the water to get past). In most cases, an old filter both stops filtering while also restricting water flow volume.

If you want to know what “just a water filter” can do for Bradenton water, just look at your old filter. (Or check out the photos above.) It will be obvious how much has been removed from your family’s water supply.

So while you may not want to invest in an extensive water treatment system right now, consider a “simple” water filter. You will be amazed at the difference it can make.


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